The Ibogaine Dossier
The Ibogaine Dossier

NYU Conference on Ibogaine Nov 5-6, 1999

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The Ibogaine Dossier

The Necessity of Addict Self-Help Involvement in Ibogaine Treatment Procedures

International Addict Self-Help (INTASH)

We represent INTASH (International Addict Self-Help), formerly known as DASH (Dutch Addict Self-Help). After experiencing successful Ibogaine treatments ourselves, we have been providing treatments for other addicts. Even though we believe Ibogaine treatments should be available through the medical establishment, it is crucial to do so in cooperation with Ibogaine experienced addict representatives. Without the interaction between addict and addict self-help groups throughout the treatment procedure, the success rate and intake possibilities would be minimal.

First of all, we believe that current available treatment options for people with substance abuse problems are inadequate, because many addicts would rather end their cycle of addiction than shift their problems to substitute addictions (like Methadone) and as a result become enslaved by institutions of the medical establishment. We do wish to note that we recognize the value of Methadone as a treatment and that this is distinct from the improper way it is provided to patients and used to inhibit their freedom of movement and rights in many programs. Since Ibogaine treatment is effective in eliminating withdrawal from opiate narcotics, stimulants, alcohol and nicotine as well as addiction to Methadone, it should be made available through the existing detox and rehabilitation programs.

Treatment with Ibogaine does not only offer a fast and effective physical detox, but usually also brings about a spiritual transformation. This creates the possibility to form an insight into the underlying causes of the addiction. Therefore, most substance abusers prefer to receive treatment in the presence of former addicts who are experienced with the treatment procedure, so they can relate to each other through similar experiences.

The INTASH treatment procedure consists of establishing a preliminary process in which the addict requesting treatment is gradually prepared and in which a relationship of trust can develop. The addict is thoroughly informed of the physical and psychological consequences of a treatment with Ibogaine. Since many addicts use drugs for their consciousness suppressing qualities, some of them express fears of Ibogaine's mind-altering effects. It is then clarified that, in our experience, the effects of Ibogaine's induced visions do not include emotional involvement. Besides, the repressed memories that are being released are usually positive, since most addicts have been dwelling on the ones that are negative.

In a world where addicts have constantly been submitted to rejection, they have often developed a very low self-esteem. We therefore find it crucial to provide a treatment environment that is non-judgemental, in which addicts feels respected and free to express themselves and where the right to choose is always present. For example, most addicts will not change their behavioral patterns if they are being pushed into treatment by family, friends or the judicial system. Being prepared for treatment with Ibogaine means being ready and willing to take a physical and spiritual leap forward. It is therefore important that the treatment team includes Ibogaine experienced ex-addicts in order to provide loving and understanding support and guidance, in which mutual trust is the central issue. In order to make the addict as comfortable as possible, the treatment setting is provided in a personalized, though non-distracting manner and with addict representatives constantly available upon request.

When the treatment is completed, a process of self-discovery and self-realization can start to develop, in which it is vital that the former addict can relate to others with the same experience. This is done by creating special self-help meetings where they can share this common ground. Another way to prevent the former addict from feeling alienated to their environment after treatment, is by treating several members of one particular group of drug users. In order to organize such an undertaking, addict self-help representatives are needed to reach out to addicts in settings where they usually congregate.

Other crucial aspects of aftercare for the former addict that need to be considered are for example housing, education, jobs and the psychological consequences of assimilation back into the family and the community. If unanswered, these issues could otherwise ultimately cause reasons for relapsing in old behavioral patterns. In order to provide professional aftercare, in case this is requested by the person that has undergone the Ibogaine treatment procedure, access to rehabilitation programs should be available.

Finally, we would like to say that in the world today there is no substance as effective in combating opiate narcotics, stimulants, alcohol and nicotine addiction as Ibogaine. And, as pointed out by the late Nico Adriaans, Ibogaine is the only known substance that also counteracts addiction to Methadone in the twenty-four hour period, without causing the otherwise severe withdrawal symptoms.

To conclude, we feel the need to stress the importance of Ibogaine in the prevention of drug infectious diseases, like HIV virus, amongst intravenous drug users. Our current drug policy continually shows itself to be ineffective, especially the increasingly repressive "War on Drugs" that is taking place in the United States. What seems to be misunderstood is that drug abuse is the ultimate way to rebel against this repression and therefore the answer should not be in enforcing more police activity, but in "Treatment on Demand".

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Tabernanthe iboga © 1999
The Ibogaine Dossier